The rambling meandering material of Illustrator and Freelance Mac Monkey Dennis Booth.

Friday, 5 March 2010

Inky Goodness

And page 1 is finally close to completion. I say close because I still want to tweak various aspects, like the dodgy looking gate and the thought bubble trail. Well, It seemed like a good idea at the time but Meg's right, they do kinda look dumb. a symptom of my noobishness I guess.


In other creative news I FINALLY finished the sodding Commission for Lincard of his Vanguard. Yes I was asked to do this in November, yes I am a titanic tool. And yes I'm reasonably satisfied with how it ended up looking.


And lastly.... Gorillaz. Gorillaz are back and just as good as ever. I was kinda ambivilent about the new album at first, but since they have the whole thing up for FREE on their site, then I got a real chance to sit down and listen to it properly. Its awesome. I have a HUGE love of 80's style Electronica, as I do for shows like Ashes to Ashes etc, and this album really does deliver. I start every working day with the Track Superfast Jellyfish, that track is just, freaking uplifting as hell!

Listen to Superfast Jellyfish NOW

Gorillaz are back bitches. Go check em out, and also while your at it try out the new RPG Adventure style feel to the site!
The Plastic Beach

And yes I am working on the font too, I haven't forgotten my other end goal is to get a real design based Job.

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About Me

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DENNIS is a freelance illustrator who does art for hire, and spends his time working on Comics, Pinups and more commercial art. He is a lechy, flirtatious creature who always does his best to impress the ladies despite being a warped Harry Potter clone. He lives in England and is Impossible to control.
