Man alive its been a while. Sorry guys.Its been... hectic. Thats one way of putting it. Who would have thought the life of a Bingo Calling Cartoonist would be so full and varied? I took a full week off recently not to go away on Holiday or anything like that, but to knuckle down and get some work done on the many MANY projects that I have on my backburner, especiaslly the Heirs to the Throne comic, which is supposed to be released at the end of this month...
I got 2 pages of sketches done. heh.
While thats not to say i wasnt busy with other things, my actual organisational skills are abysmal to say the least. i have however managed to get a few of my other projects off the ground, such as a long term video seriese on blip. yes indeed, Im working on a large Retrospective of the history of the Daleks, reviewing every single Dalek story from doctor Who, starting in 1963 and working onwards. Im very pleased to say the new computer has worked wonders and the video capture and editing process has been as smooth and superb as possible. Very VERY happy!
The Dalek Retrospective
Part 1
I really should pull my finger out and do some Thumbnail's for those Video's.
I also have a few more goofy video's which I released recently, including my new Hat. Which sadly i dont get much chance to wear, due to me being in freaking work so much. gaaaaa.
DENNIS Try's Stella Atrois
DENNIS Try's Lemsip
DENNIS Try's Becks
So aside from enjoying iMovie on my comp, what else have I been up to? Well I was doing a large amount of screwing around in Warcraft during Brewfest! I even got my Ram mount!
I have been ADDICTED to getting mounts for so long its unreal, and at the time of writing you can check my Armory page to see the insane number of 64 Mounts!
Also I have pre-ordered Cataclysm. The Collectors edition, so yes, I will get a Chibi Deathwing following me everywhere I go!
But enough of that. despite 1 or 2 minor print issues with the Calendar I feel its good enough to ship and i am currently getting a list of people to mail it out too! Im nervous as hell doing this so please wish me luck... I'll friggin need it! Plus did i not mention? I updated the main website!!!!!
Head over to DENNIS Illustration and Graphic Design and check out the new streamlined look. im still working on tweaking a few pages, but for the most part Im calling that done. Now before i head off i do want to make note that i will be starting Heirs to the Throne as planned on Halloween, I just wont be able to release a page a week. Which bugs the everloving crap out of me but its just a sad fact that not only do i not have enough time, but i am freaking LOUSY with time management. At the very least i am being productive, just not productive on one specific task.... *sigh*
Plus I am superbatshit excited over this coming March, when i finally get to hook up with my Girlfriend meg!!!! Words fail me about this guys, they really do. I have so much shit planned its unreal. Swing Dancing, restaurants, movies and obscene sexual harassment!
Anyways, gotta dash now, i really should put some pants on and get to work! Adio's amigos!