The rambling meandering material of Illustrator and Freelance Mac Monkey Dennis Booth.

Thursday 30 July 2009

Cariadd Portrait

Finished Cariadd's pic. Yes there is no colour, yes I am a cheap son of a bitch.
Rangers of the North forever!


Tuesday 28 July 2009


The finished Pig prints I did for a family member.


It should be Illegal!!!!


Was busy working on some gift art last night for Ajahli and her epic art book coming soon!!!! Check out the making of video here.

Monday 27 July 2009

Cariadd Portrait WIP

Just an update on another WIP image Im working on. This is a gift for Cariadd/Shyflower, the Guild Creator for Rangers of the North.
Currently enjoying the chunky sharp lines.


Making of video here and here.

Its Just Some Random Guy

Dude, I love this guy. His video's always give me a chuckle and an uplifting beat to my day, and here's a lil bit I slapped together from his funniest video to date:


Watch his video's, I command you!!!!

Wednesday 22 July 2009

Facebook Free

Hey kids! No Facebook Free broadcast today, but I do have last nights recording for you to peruse. This is the current state of the artwork:


Head over to the Facebook Free page tomorrow night and call in live with Skype! Devillotheworm is the name to call. All questions answered! Or ignored, one or the other.

Tuesday 21 July 2009

Facebook Free - Regular shows Daily!


Well, its official, right up until I get bored or my Guild beat me up! Facebook Free, the Narcissistic self deprecating live Ustream show featuring non-other than DENNIS himself is now broadcasting every night from say 8.00 till 10.00 GMT. The new logo and layout was set up last night, and the making of can be seen right here!

Karazhan - The Master's Key

Hello there. Not posted for a while, been to busy pulling my hair out and slowly going insane. Not because of the Economic depression, or the fact that the Job market is FUBAR, oh lord no. Ive bee going banana's because every single night is Epic Fail night. Thats right, in order to tick of the list for every single dungeon in the game, my group of friends and I have been running all over Azeroth, Steamrolling at level 80 over the far lower level 60 and 70 end game instances and raids. Of course, there is a minor issue with this deceptively simple task. All of us are geared up for heroics and regular 80 raids, no worries. What the problem is however is that the Insane amount of convoluted petty run-around BS you have to do in order to even enter the instances.


For today's example, I shall discus one of the biggest culprits of this crime, Karazhan. Now, Karazhan was the Home of Medivh, the Last Guardian. For those of you who didnt play any of the original Warcraft games, he's the dude who instead of guarding the Dark Portal, opened it and summoned the first Horde to Azeroth. Ok, he was possessed by Sargeras the Titan megalomaniac and creator of the Burning legion at the time, but yep, he's considered one of the most powerful folk in Lore.


Now, Karazhan is also a level 70 10 man Raid, and was originally part of the End game for the Burning Crusade, hence the Demons etc and all the 69-72 mobs wandering around. Before entering this Raid, players must first grab hold of the Masters Key, in order to get inside. Which is all very well and fair enough. Now, in order to get the key you must go through a variety of quests, speaking to various Mages at the ruins of Dalaran, Medivh's old student in Shattrath etc. He then tells you that Medivh gave him the key, and he ended up splitting it into 3 pieces, hiding it around the world. Now, for some malicious reason he hid the key fragments in different level 70 dungeons in Outland, so players must head to the Steam Vault, The Shadow Labyrinth and also to part of the Draenei's captured ship's prison wing. Now, the first 2 are simple to pick up especially for some swarthy purple geared 80's, just walk through and smash. But as for The Arcatraz.... not so easy. Turns out the Prison has a barrier, and you need to get the key in order to gain access. And in order to get the key you need to go through a quest chain.... Hmnnnn.


This is where what seemed to be a simple task suddenly becomes a little less simple, and a little more irritating. Please bear in mind as well that we are all doing this from 10.30 onwards every night, due to conflicting timetables etc, and this is the only way we can play together. So, after realising we are going to have to go through yet another INSANE long quest chain, we just decided to screw it and call for a Rouge. Luckily we have one with a good skill level and he lets us in the dungeon, who's squishy level 70's are no match for a bunch of angry hate Fuelled Horde, and we nuke the place. So, we end up getting all 3 key fragments, we complete a few obscure dungeons and everyone's happy, right?

Oh so very wrong.


Now Medivh's former tea boy says after grabbing the key and re-forging it, its a useless piece of metal. Sure it fits the lock, but without Medivh's blessing it wont open the door. So, the only available course of action is to go back in time and ask the guy to bless the key for us. Hmnn..... The Caverns of time for the uninitiated is a kind of Alice in Wonderland place hidden deep underground, where different area's of Azeroth's history are reachable, and nefarious forces keep trying to re-write history. One of these key events is the opening of the Dark Portal and the summoning of the horde, and this is where we can chat to Medivh face to face. There is but one problem... we cannot gain access to this event. The Guardian's of the Cavern, the Bronze Dragons have need of our help first want us to stop their enemy's from preventing Thrall, leader of the new Horde, from escaping Durnholde keep sometime after Warcraft 2, and make sure history remains on track. Considering the fact that the Tauren would probably be wiped out by centaur and the Horde would not exist without him, we thought it would be wise to go along with the Dragons wishes. Plus theyre Dragons. Big, scaly, and while polite they can breath fire. And eat you.


So we go back in time, rescue Thrall, beat the shit out of evil Dragons and everyone's happy. Yay! Oh wait, some of us didnt do the quest properly and now we have to do the whole thing again, fuuuck. Ok, round 2 and Thrall escapes once more. Wait what was that, now your quest is bugged? you didnt pick up the object you needed, right fine we do it AGAIN!!!! Its just as well Thrall and his Human girlfriend keep getting their memories erased as theyd probably be as sick of us as we are of them by the time this damn thing was done with. Anyway, we return to the present, or limbo or whatever semi-hell we've now found ourself in and are now told that yes, you can go chat to Medivh. In fact, the other dragons have gone back in time and are trying to kill him so the first Horde dont arrive on the planet and start slaughtering all the babies and townsfolk of Stormwind. While Im kind of ambivalent to the slaughter of the Alliance, Im still not that big a fan of the First Horde, the Orcs were after all being poked around by Demons after all, but as long as we can get this damn key blessed its all well and good.

So we head into this stinking swampy bog that looks suspiciously like the Swamp of sorrows, except its the dark portal, despite not being the smae model or even looking anything like the one you go through in order to get to Outland. But yeah, whatever, so we head in and bash the living daylights out of anything stupid enough to come near Medivh as he performs his summoning etc. So we win, yay the Dark Horde rush out of the portal to begin their campaign of blood and terror, and we can get Medivh to let us into his house, right? Well wrong, first of all my own quest didnt take for whatever stupid reason, probably the fact I didnt pay attention so I had to re-do the damn dungeon again. But anyway, instead of blessing the Key Medihv thinks, oh what a nice key, I have one just like it and pockets it for himself. Now in a fury we storm back to Shattrath and consult his ex-bitch assistant, and it turns out he had the damn thing in his pocket the whole time. Freaking obnoxious bastard. "Oh sorry, I couldn't tell you I had it, because then you would never have been able to grab it, give the pieces to my master who then gave it to me and BLEEEAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH"


So, whatever, We have the fucking key. Wonderful, epic, superb. Now we can go and enter an now totally redundant raid just to tick it off our list and also gear up lowbies with items that will end up being worthless in 5 levels time. Oh well done us.

Of course, while writing this It occurs to me in Hind-sight that we all made one very important omission when it came to thinking this whole sordid affair through. We went through all this B.S. just to get a key. We did all this arbitrary running around just so we had the permission to enter an otherwise locked place. So if we had to do all that crazy shit to get in... what the hell are we supposed to do inside Karazhan?

Lets just say I'm still shaking in rage and hatred.
See ya tomorrow!

Friday 10 July 2009

Witches and Bats


Ok, finished the Witch print, and while its better than it first looked, Im still not all that pleased with the way it looks.
You have the making of here and here.
After finishing off the Witch print I decided to take a break and work on my Batman Parody for a bit. The 2 podcasts in the video's are the official Bungie Studio's Podcast and The Instance, the World of Warcraft Podcast so you dont have to!

You can buy this print here.

The Fall of Blackrock Depths


FINALLY!!!!!! It took us until 1.30 in the morning and 2 Deathknights, but we finally figured out that annoying cluster-fuck of a Dungeon and celebrated by slaughtering Every Single NPC character and creature in the instance.
None were spared, NONE!!!!!!

Now I just need to level my non 80 characters past this damn dungeon in future. At least now I have an idea about where to go and what to do. But man alive Blizzard, talk about a convoluted and hard to figure out dungeon! It was more involving and taxing than some raids Ive been on. Plus the poor squishy Druid Healer kept getting nuked, so she left before we finished, poor Tauren.

But, for now I bask in the glow of slaughter, and drink deeply from the skull of my enemy. Mnnn, tangy.

Thursday 9 July 2009

Tia TNT Wall Print


Here we are, yet another Wall print created using the magic of Ustream. You can follow the entire creation of this piece in 2 videos:
Part 1
Part 2

You can also buy the print here.

Anna from Wormwood


Yet another Wall Print. You can watch the making of Video here: here.

And you can buy the print here.

Wednesday 8 July 2009

More Wall Prints


Yet another new image created via the magic of Ustream: Making Of
Grab the print version here:

Tuesday 7 July 2009

Wall Print


Did some Ustreaming this morning and came up with this.
You can grab this here.

Monday 6 July 2009

Still working on integrating my separate styles. Opinions?


Joker owned by DC comics blah blah blah.

Transformers 2 review

Ok, first of all expect to cringe if you see this movie in public. This is one of those films where there is something for EVERYONE, from the action fan, to the comedian, to the brain damaged kid who soils themselves.

Ok, was that too harsh? yes it was.

Transformers 2 does its best to appeal to as MANY different people as possible. You have Meagan Fox sliding her tight nubile body across curved gleaming bits of chrome and alloy, who apart from cleaning up after every male character in the movie also picks up her own pet transformer.

Which I actually liked. Wheels or wheelie was one of the characters I actually liked, the me he was on the right side of the crazy/stupid line.

There's the whole stuff about 'baby go's to college' which I did not give a flying crap about. We get Sam's mother weeping her head off at finding his lil baby booties, buying some Hash brownies from some 'wacky students' outside and screaming to the world about hearing her son loose his cherry. For fucks sake guys, what kind of movie are you trying to make here? Comedy is fine, but its like you have 2 or 3 films tied together here, and believe me it felt like it. By the time we left the cinema all the lights were being shut down and we were worried we would be locked in. The parents are good actors, and yes, they are good comedians. But this movie just doesn't seem like the appropriate place for this kind of thing. And Mojo humps a bulldog. ugh.

Well, I will say this much, there's a ton of new Transformers here, everyone's backstory is fleshed out more, there's the epic Decepticon base, the motivation behind their rampage of destruction (hatchlings slowly dying due to lack of energon etc) ad the Fallen himself. I've always preferred the Decepticons to the Autobots, and my all time fave of those guys is Starscream. Starscream is the man, love love love that guy. After resurrecting a slightly ungrateful Megatron the two of them go through this great bitch fight throughout the movie, Megatron beating the crap out of him, and Starscream always keeping one foot out of the ring when fighting an enemy.

The fallen himself was pretty good too. Nice to see more of the Decepticon history and the chain of command. I also liked the whole N.E.S.T. thing with the Autobots and the government, despite the fact that Optimus and the rest of the 'good guys' don't seem to take that many prisoners. In fact, they're just about as bloodthirsty as the Decepticons when it comes to killing their own race, hmnnnn.

There's plenty of new Cybertronian dudes in this movie, some epic like the Decepticon doctor Scalpel, some appalling like the Autobot twins, who are the Jar Jar of this movie. Remember when I said you would cringe? you will, believe me. The female bike Arcee wasnt too bad either, although I thought it was 3 sisters or something, nope, 1 transformer controlling 3 seperate parts. Interesting.

The Constructicons deserve a special mention as being uber in their epicness. Yes that was a real sentence. Devastator at the end is just.... I freaking want his babies right now, and Demolisher provided an epic opening battle. Also I liked how Jetfire was portrayed as a Transformer so old he was part of the original civil war, and as such was a Decepticon who had decided screw this and joined the Autobots. And yes, even the Farting parachute bit made me smirk. Plus we also have Pretenders, seekers, Insecticons and all manner of sub groups of the Cybertronian race.

Plus, mild spoiler warning, Transformer heaven. Which is ok, it fits with the lore and the story, so whatever works. One more thing, please ditch the government dude who causes problems for people by acting a dick. Its been done, alot. Although the parachute scene with him and Lennox was pretty freaking funny.

So, long story short, go watch the movie with your friends, have fun, and don't worry about the bad parts, because there's plenty of good bits to make up for it. And there's also plenty of bits where Sam and the humans are on screen, in which case feel free to head to the toilet. Which you will need considering the epic length of this movie.

Oh, and testicle jokes. Thanks, but no thanks.

Saturday 4 July 2009

Video test

Just testing the capability of blogger displaying video's. Heres a few of my current fave vids atm.

Bits from the live action Deathnote movie. Looking epic.

Did you not hear about the word?

So, does Cleaveland REALLY need his own show?

This was what Seth McFarland was working on with HB before moving on and making Family Guy.

Hilarious Silent Hill parody.

World of Warcrack.

Ok, thats enough for now, lets hope these actually post.

Just a concept for a deck of playing cards I'm working on. The character is Mia from the TNT project I started way back in college.

Just trying to mix my more pinup illustration with the insane vector work. L from Deathnote. This in no way a finished thing, just a concept piece
Ok, so finally my new USB Fan has arrived, and truth be told I'm a little unhappy with the way it has turned out. sure its alot more stable than the older one that burned out last year, but £14 for something that you cant actually move around much is a little bit crappy. Oh well.

In other news its movie time. Not too sure which film I'm going to end up watching tonight, but all indications are its going to be Transformers 2, with Jar Jar twins and all.

Chances are I will not be Ustreaming until monday again, as over the weekends I have alot of different comings and goings and things to do.

Anyway, just realised I missed Naxx, gotta cut this shot.

Friday 3 July 2009

Well, I gotta admit, I may be a late comer to the Deathnote party, but wow, Its more addictive than World of Warcrack. And that's saying something for me.

So, In 2 days I've watched 29 episodes, watching the most evil little piece of shit to ever walk the planet slaughter thousands and kill off just about every single character that I've fallen in love with. I tell you this much, I'm praying that the final episode will show his total and utter destruction, his absolute and complete anhilation. Its a thought that keeps me up at night and makes me smile.

Or maybe that's just the heat.

In other news I'm still waiting for my damn fan to arrive, I ordered it days ago but Amazon seem to be dragging their feet, typical considering I'm melting in this heat.

I'm also considering posting more of my adult art here, but considering this is an extension of my portfolio site, and as such is mainly a professional thing, that's not the best course of action.

Still, despite all the kind attention I would like to have folks other than 17 year old girls who love Alice in Wonderland view my work. Although as far as a target demographic, there are far worse, no?

Well, all in all this little blog seems to have worked well so far. I'll be sure to make better use of it tomorrow. Sweet dreams all.

Help me obiwan...

Ok, so my new blog has gone through a few tweaks and refits, the most annoying being that all my images ended up being chopped in half. What can I say, I love Big images, its a weakness of mine. To hell with bandwidth.

However, since I have no clue how you edit these layouts, I basically want to add a background image, and a central window which remains black. the image will probably be either like the one in my twitter page or continuing with the more common ink splat theme on my main site.

It Begins (wow, so Imaginative)

Ok, so here we go, its the start of a whole new era. Deadjournal is (quite Ironically) Dead and Blogger is the all singing all dancing service that will be spreading my meandering rambling slip shod garbage all across the net.

But don't worry kids, I don't type all that much, instead how about you enjoy all these pretty pictures I did recently.

Oh didn't I mention I'm an Illustrator? The clues in the Name of the blog chief.


Myspace is dead. Next on my Hit list, Facebook. What? Me anti-social? What gave you that idea?


I just finished off a nice print version of my Portfolio, there's alot of Illustration, a little Typeography and a few splashes of Advertising in their too.


I do a ton of World of Warcraft artwork for people in game. While I would prefer real money, there's nothing wrong with giving me in game Gold.


Because I only discovered the character of Deadpool after he was raped by Wolverine Origins. Bad movie is fun, but BAD!


A little info on my commission for hire work. While alot of the art featured has now been surpassed, but hey, I'm too lazy to re-do it.


So Im trying to find work in the Illustration industry, so it would be a wise move on my part to do something other than pin-ups and Furry Porn. (Which pays at least)

Heres to the future.

You can visit my portfolio site any time at DENNIS Illustration and Graphic Design and also be sure to watch me on twitter at Devillo's Twitter page for other updates, and lastly I do regular broadcasts on Ustream at Facebook Free where I work on art while chatting to folk, if I'm not being a jerk and listening to my Podcasts.

About Me

My photo
DENNIS is a freelance illustrator who does art for hire, and spends his time working on Comics, Pinups and more commercial art. He is a lechy, flirtatious creature who always does his best to impress the ladies despite being a warped Harry Potter clone. He lives in England and is Impossible to control.
