Wow. I really do fail at regular updates dont I? Well, at the very least my Twitter account always gets at least 1 update a day. So, since the last piece I posted was the Revolution of the Mask pinup (which sucked) I guess its time to break your bandwidth with a Horde of fresh art...
First of all the Comic is having a few teething issues atm, as my Writing style is just not all that compatible with sequential art. In short, TOO MANY FUCKING WORDS!!!!

In other news Kratos, the God of War is just as Angry as ever. In fact After watching the 100th Episode of the Nostalgia Critic
here I decided he was in fact, Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeealy Angry!

Also Ive recently started playing Dungeons and Dragons with a group of friends. Yes I am a nerd, what of it? Heres a crappy WIP look at a lil Animosoty between my Dwarf Merc and my Friends Halfling rouge.

Yes the beard needs work. But what of the all powerful Peacebloom? What has he been up to I wonder? Why this of course! All Marvel at the sight of Undead vs Undead... Cow.

And lastly heres a sketch of my current Worgen vs Goblin pic. Yay Worgen!!!! And yes, I am a Hordie and will play a Goblin. But dude, Worgen are BADASS!!!!

So thats a quick summary of what Ive been up to so far art wise. The main reason Im really pushing the Fantasy art more is that The Calendar project Im working on for this year is Going to be 100% Fantasy. Thats right, all D&D, Warcraft, Halo and other junk like that. Why? Because I just draw loads of it to begin with, and any collection of mine would be 70% of that regardless. So here is the plan. I will be creating not 1 but 2 Calendars. 1 featuring all Fantasy/Sci-fi Illustration, and the other being pure Graphic Design. Time to pull my finger out and get to work!
Here is a few additional work in progress images which May or May not be used.

Plus this Calendar will not be just 12 images. Due to the pretty nifty way you can adjust layout and have multiple images on each page, Im obviously going to cram in as much junk as possible. At the moment I have 26 images together, for example....

So thats pretty much the way things are looking right now. Time to go pull my finger out and get on with this thing.
Also, did I mention that my computer is still being a total jerk and refusing to let me create new video's? Well, I uploaded the old Warcraft commission vids up onto, so feel free to watch them there too.