The rambling meandering material of Illustrator and Freelance Mac Monkey Dennis Booth.

Friday, 3 July 2009

Well, I gotta admit, I may be a late comer to the Deathnote party, but wow, Its more addictive than World of Warcrack. And that's saying something for me.

So, In 2 days I've watched 29 episodes, watching the most evil little piece of shit to ever walk the planet slaughter thousands and kill off just about every single character that I've fallen in love with. I tell you this much, I'm praying that the final episode will show his total and utter destruction, his absolute and complete anhilation. Its a thought that keeps me up at night and makes me smile.

Or maybe that's just the heat.

In other news I'm still waiting for my damn fan to arrive, I ordered it days ago but Amazon seem to be dragging their feet, typical considering I'm melting in this heat.

I'm also considering posting more of my adult art here, but considering this is an extension of my portfolio site, and as such is mainly a professional thing, that's not the best course of action.

Still, despite all the kind attention I would like to have folks other than 17 year old girls who love Alice in Wonderland view my work. Although as far as a target demographic, there are far worse, no?

Well, all in all this little blog seems to have worked well so far. I'll be sure to make better use of it tomorrow. Sweet dreams all.

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About Me

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DENNIS is a freelance illustrator who does art for hire, and spends his time working on Comics, Pinups and more commercial art. He is a lechy, flirtatious creature who always does his best to impress the ladies despite being a warped Harry Potter clone. He lives in England and is Impossible to control.
