So Ive been working on a project for a month or so now, a collection of 30 Illustrations exclusivly available as a pdf download featuring various recognisable female from various gaming TV and Movie Franchises in various states of undress. As you may have guessed this will be Adults only. Not Hardcore Porn, just something a lil sleazy featuring Miranda from Mass Effect, or a Naked Bound Tauren gal.
The pdf will feature 30 images never before seen anywhere, and will ONLY be seen in the download. Im pretty confident that £3.50 is a very reasonable price for someone to be able to have 30 images on their Reader devices of this quality:
I will be posting a few sneaky previews online, edited naturally to tease and not to turn this site into a full blown porn site, which it never will be. Im just actively pursuing a market where I KNOW people will be willing to spend a little in large numbers. There are still plenty of slots left to be filled however, so if someone has a particular fandom they would like to see me drag through the mud, nows the time to mention it!