Yeeeeah Im really behind with my artwork. As in INSANELY behind. And Why? Have I been working hard in my new Job, have I been out and about engaging in all manner of important time consuming affairs. Well, if you count gearing up my Tank/DPS Deathknight Peacebloom, then Yes.
Ok, Im a freaking moron and need to manage my time better. But Hey, I finally got that Darn Helm Ive been after for AGES! Now I need the rest of that darn gear... but for now best to focus on my actual commission work.
Although seriously, I think Peachy will make a great Figureprint:
Do Want.
So yes, I have been SERIOUSLY behind because not only is Warcraft sucking my soul out my ass, but That Guy With the Glasses is also too freaking addicitve. The Nostalgia Critic, Linkara, Spoony, Angry Joe. All these dudes are just too freaking watchable. I may never be productive ever again!
Truly, they rock
And lastly, THE CALENDERS ARE AWESOME! WHY HAVE YOU NOT BOUGHT YOURS YET!? Oh yeah, because of the insane price. Yeah, point taken. I spent £100 trying to order just 10, So methinks next year I will be using a different service. They look imba though.
Ok so Im pretty behind with updates, my apologies. Ive just been super busy with commissions, Halloween related goodies and also finally being employed! Shock Horror.
So first of all artwork. Here is a few of the pieces Ive been working on recently.
First of all I had wanted to doodle this little thing ever since playing ODST at Jenny and Dave's. While the flashbacks with the 'interesting' characters are all well and good, the so called star of the game is the rookie, a guy who shuffles round a Warzone looking at random objects he picks up off the floor and triggering a flashback to a more interesting scene. So yeah, I'd love to see what Flashback occurs from this lil beauty!
This was a commission for the Rainbow Tiger, a Furry Club on Second Life. Yes, I am now on Second Life, and yes I socialise with teh Furries! Oh Noes! But yeah, Second life is a very buggy thing for me, textures and models take ages to render and frankly for me its just a stylish colourful chatroom with music and animation. And superb BDSM dungeons.
What? Im 25 and like sex, deal with it.
Work is also continuing on my own comic/graphic novel/waste of time. The character sheets are coming along ok, and the expression memes on D.A. and F.A. have really helped me figure out how to tweak and refine the character designs.
Yeah, Im thinking of going with black and white for this lot. I have tried colour but as yet Im still not too happy with the tone the pages have. Colouring a comic is hard work people.
Also during the season I was permanently glued to World of Warcraft in an effort to make my Death Night the lord of Halloween with the title, The Hallowed! The events and different things you had to do for the season were really something, and I honestly think Hallows End is the best of the seasonal Holidays in gme. Its also about 10% of the reason I stick with the game. Love love love it! Although sadly the Headless Horseman did not drop his lovely mount for me. Ah well. Next year my friend, Next Year!!!!
Finally on Halloween itself I was lucky enough to watch Saw 6 with the lovely ladies Bexa and Jenny. Good times! Im planning on doing a video review after being seriously inspired by folk like The Nostalgia Critic, Linkara and Spoony. Still, the video would be lame as hell, and alot of work. But hey, I love me some Saw. Watch the movie, its actually trying to be noob friendly with tons of re-caps and highlights of the major plotpoints.
And lastly yes, I am now employed. Still its only part time and the way the system works is that I will be able to still draw a small amount of benefits as well as the wages I earn, so all in all Im pretty pleased with the result. The travel route is a lil... blearg. Reminds me of the cheap and crappy buses I had to get back when I was in school, and yes I did get travel sick, Yayyyy. So that was October there and gone. Now lets us see what awaits us all in November!
Lastly as always, follow me on Twitter at @Devillo
DENNIS is a freelance illustrator who does art for hire, and spends his time working on Comics, Pinups and more commercial art.
He is a lechy, flirtatious creature who always does his best to impress the ladies despite being a warped Harry Potter clone. He lives in England and is Impossible to control.